You’re a high-vibin’, high-value, high-class beauty babe.

And you set up your business with big goals to…

→ Create flexible financial freedom and uncapped earning potential 

→ Work with dream clients that know and respect your worth


→ Experience the experiences that have sat on your vision board for too long

But tell me if this sounds a little more like what’s actually happening…

Right now you find yourself just getting by on your current client roster, or you’re fully-booked and capped-out. Either way you can’t see how to increase your income. You look around you see other’s doing “way better” than you… but you can’t understand why

Maxwell Mastery is the missing link between you 

and making more money!

Babe, I’m talking to you if…

 You spend your precious evenings booking in clients and replying to ‘window shopper’ DMs 

 You’re done with offering ‘free consultations’, only for potential clients to rarely convert or haggle your pricing 

 You’re sick of offering all the offers, discounts and bundles… but never seeing your income increase 

 You don’t want to spend another minute looking at your socials with no clue what to post next

 You’ve been fully-booked but can’t bring yourself to increase your pricing for fear of losing clients!

Ready to change the game in your beauty biz?



with Maxwell Melia

How to 10x your biz profits in 10 weeks

Become fully-booked without burnout 

★ Roadmap consistent £10k months in just 10 weeks


★ Get visible as the ‘go to’ in your hair + beauty niche 

★ Increase your prices, decrease your admin and maximise your time!


→ 10 week container

Fast to implement and easy to execute, your 10 week training will take you from burned out 

to booked out - whilst up to 10x-ing your profits!

→ 5 expert modules

Pre-recorded in your private-access-anytime portal, take in your trainings as 

they’re released, every other week..

→ 5 live Q&A calls

Join your fellow Mastery babes every other week, for a 60 minute live call with me. 

Bring your personalised business q’s and receive real-time hot-seat coaching.

→ Templates, scripts + social goodies!

From client-boundaries scripts to copy+paste DM responses, save time and 

score new clients with your own resource vault.

→ Hot seat coaching

Like having a 1:1 coach, but without the pricepoint. Receive dedicated, personalised and 

bespoke coaching inside a 10 week, supportive container.

→ Facebook support squad

Get 24/7 support from your Facebook community who are ready to cheer you on, 

support your dreams and hold space for your uplevel.

Building an empire can feel a little lonely… but you don’t have to go it alone!



Bonus 1: Pricing calculator

Bonus 2: Canva Templates, Captions and DM Scripts 

Bonus 3: Instant income-generating activities


Your pay-in-full bonus. 

Pay £1,997 and receive...

BONUS 1:1 Session (Earlybird Only)

A personalised audit so that I can analyse your full business workflow. I'll be taking a deep dive into your social media accounts, customer journey, consultation process & systems to review and evaluate any changes you need to make so that you can become an IDEAL client magnet!

WORTH £497

Gorg, I created this for you because I know you’re worth more than mediocre money and being burnt-out by your beauty biz.

It’s time for us to change up the industry and to stop letting feeling frazzled being the ‘new normal’.

The UK beauty industry is worth over £27 billion - so where’s your slice of that?

I went it alone - and yes, I did get to 6-figure years and living my dream life… 

but it took me 12 years of hard graft. It simply doesn’t have to be that way - take from the ladies you’ve heard from on this page

Imagine a flexible beauty business that…

★ Allows you to take vacations, knowing that bookings are flying in and deposits 

are being paid whilst you sun-it-up… 

★ Affords you not just the nice car, new house or fancy handbag, but the 
opportunity to treat your friends and family too… 

★ Runs like clockwork, with beautiful socials, a slick client experience and 
an easy-peasy-admin system…

Let's secure your space!

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Click here to apply for the payment plan 

(Subject to credit approval)

Pay in Full Below

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


100% safe & secure

  • Total payment
  • 1xMaxwell Mastery£1997

All prices in GBP


Still have questions? Let's get them answered!

  • How long will I have access?
    Your portal and call recordings are accessible forever. The programme is designed so that you can complete a module per week, with a coaching + implementation week in between. If you get stuck, you can receive support inside your private Facebook community.
  • How do I know this is right for me?
    If you’re happy making what you’re making and working in the way you’re currently working… then this is not for you. Maxwell Mastery is exclusively for women who want to grow, scale and step out from under their beauty businesses, so they can make more money, in less time.
  • Why should I train with Maxwell Melia?
    Aside from my 12 years of experience in the industry and 6 years of teaching… I never stop learning myself (and yeah, that’s probably over £65k in training and coaching!). I explore everything that’s out their so our courses can always include more. We strive to produce the very best and most detailed trainings available
  • Can I pay in instalments / payment plan?
    Yes! I wanted to make sure Maxwell Mastery was SUPER accessible for everyone. If you can’t afford to pay in full there is a 12-month payment plan option. You can click the link at the checkout that says "Click here to apply for the payment plan" to apply.
  • What if I can't make all the calls?
    If you’re unavailable for a Q+A call, you can submit your questions beforehand and watch the replay. All calls are recorded.
  • What do I need to get started?
    Gorg, you just need to click the link below and select your payment plan or pay in full and you can get started.